What is a Slot?
A thin opening or groove in something, used for example to insert coins or cards. A slot is also an area of a screen or other display where data can be displayed, or where a person’s eye can focus.
A gambling machine in which symbols appear on spinning reels and the goal is to line up winning combinations along pay lines. A slot machine can have three or more reels and may also feature wild symbols that can substitute for other symbols to form a winning combination. A slot machine can be found in casinos, racetracks, and other venues where gambling is permitted.
The term jackpot entered the English lexicon in 1881 and is believed to have originated from a 19th-century poker game variant that required a hand of jacks or better to open betting. The pot would grow each round until someone landed such a hand, and the jackpot could be quite large. Today, the word is most often used to describe a large cash prize, such as a lottery jackpot or a slot machine win.
The ability for administrators or contact center managers to create slots that are not bound to an intent. This allows them to reference information from multiple intents, which improves efficiency and reduces the effort it takes to build bot flows. Health care providers, for example, can use time slots to organize urgent care, routine check-ups and consultations with new clients. In addition, a company’s internal team members can use time slots to schedule meetings and appointments with each other.